Can I collect Social Security and still work?

Can I collect Social Security and still work?

By Hogan Smith

Updated 02/28/2025

Many individuals who are receiving Social Security benefits wonder whether they can continue to work while still collecting Social Security. The answer depends on the type of benefits you are receiving and how much you earn while working. It's important to understand the rules surrounding this to ensure that your benefits are not reduced or stopped. Below is a guide on the interaction between Social Security benefits and working.

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Social Security Retirement Benefits and Working

If you are receiving Social Security retirement benefits, you can work and still receive your full benefits, but there are some rules to be aware of:

  • Before Full Retirement Age (FRA): If you are under your full retirement age (FRA) and continue to work, your benefits may be temporarily reduced depending on how much you earn. The SSA uses a formula to determine how much they will withhold from your benefits:
  • In 2025, if you are under FRA and earn more than $21,240 per year ($1,770 per month), $1 will be deducted from your benefits for every $2 you earn above this limit.
  • If you reach FRA in 2025, you can earn up to $56,520 per year ($4,710 per month) without any reduction in benefits. If you exceed this amount, the SSA will deduct $1 for every $3 earned above the threshold until you reach FRA.
  • At Full Retirement Age (FRA) and Beyond: Once you reach your FRA, there is no earnings limit, and you can work as much as you want without affecting your Social Security retirement benefits. You’ll continue to receive your full benefit amount.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Working

If you are receiving SSDI benefits, there are more restrictions on how much you can earn while still qualifying for benefits:

  • Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA): For SSDI recipients, the SSA has a concept called Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA). In 2025, if you earn more than $1,470 per month (or $2,460 per month for blind individuals), the SSA may consider you to be engaging in SGA, which could affect your eligibility for SSDI.
  • Trial Work Period (TWP): The SSA offers a Trial Work Period that allows SSDI recipients to test their ability to work for a limited time without losing benefits. In 2025, you can earn up to $1,050 per month in 9 trial work months over a rolling 60-month period without affecting your SSDI benefits. Once you have completed your TWP, your work will be reviewed, and if you are still able to engage in SGA, your SSDI benefits may be discontinued.
  • Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE): After your TWP, you enter the Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE), which lasts for 36 months. During this period, you can continue to receive SSDI benefits for any month in which you earn below the SGA level. If your earnings exceed the SGA threshold, your benefits will stop for that month, but you can still restart benefits if your earnings drop below the SGA level again.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Working

For individuals receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the rules around working are different. SSI is needs-based, meaning your eligibility depends on your income and assets. If you work while receiving SSI, your monthly benefits may be reduced based on how much you earn:

  • The SSA allows you to keep a portion of your earnings. In 2025, you can earn up to $1,000 per month (or $1,760 per month if you are blind) before your SSI benefits are reduced.
  • For every $2 you earn above the limit, your SSI benefit will be reduced by $1.

Working While Collecting Social Security Benefits: Important Considerations

  • Report Your Earnings: If you are working while receiving Social Security benefits, you must report your earnings to the SSA. This will help them determine whether you are exceeding the earnings limits.
  • Impact on Medicare and Medicaid: If you are receiving SSDI, you are eligible for Medicare. If you are receiving SSI, you may be eligible for Medicaid. Be aware that working and earning above certain thresholds may affect your eligibility for these programs.
  • Consider Consulting with the SSA: Social Security has specific rules regarding work and benefits. If you are uncertain about how your work will affect your benefits, it is a good idea to contact the SSA to ensure that you are following the rules and to avoid any surprises.

How Hogan Smith Can Help

Understanding the complexities of working while receiving Social Security benefits can be challenging. At Hogan Smith, we can assist you with:

  • Explaining How Working Affects Your Benefits: We’ll help you understand the interaction between your Social Security benefits and earnings.
  • Helping You Navigate Earnings Limits: Whether you’re receiving Social Security retirement, SSDI, or SSI, we can guide you in staying within the earnings limits to avoid reductions or discontinuations of your benefits.
  • Assisting with SSA Reporting: We can ensure that you report your earnings correctly and that all necessary paperwork is submitted on time.
  • Providing Guidance on Trial Work Periods and Extended Periods of Eligibility: If you are receiving SSDI, we can help you understand your Trial Work Period and Extended Period of Eligibility so you can test your ability to work without losing your benefits.

Contact Hogan Smith Today

If you’re unsure about how working while collecting Social Security benefits will affect your situation, Hogan Smith is here to help. Contact us for a free consultation, and we’ll work with you to ensure that you’re in compliance with SSA rules and maximizing your benefits.

Further Reading

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