How much can I earn while on Social Security Disability?

How much can I earn while on Social Security Disability?

By Hogan Smith

Updated 03/03/2025

If you’re receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you may be wondering how much you can earn without losing your benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has specific rules about working while receiving disability benefits, and your earnings can impact the amount of benefits you receive. Here’s what you need to know about how much you can earn while on Social Security Disability.

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Earnings Limits for SSDI Recipients

Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) Limits for SSDI

The SSA defines “Substantial Gainful Activity” (SGA) as the level of work activity and earnings that demonstrates a person is able to do significant work. If you are working and earning above the SGA threshold, the SSA may consider you not disabled, and your SSDI benefits could be reduced or stopped.

  • 2025 SGA Limit for Non-Blind Individuals: $1,470 per month
  • 2025 SGA Limit for Blind Individuals: $2,460 per month

If you earn more than the SGA limit in any month, the SSA may determine that you are not disabled and stop your benefits. However, if your earnings are below the SGA limit, you can continue receiving SSDI benefits.

Trial Work Period (TWP)

The SSA has a Trial Work Period (TWP), which allows you to test your ability to work while still receiving full SSDI benefits. During the TWP, you can earn any amount of money without it affecting your SSDI benefits, as long as you report your earnings to the SSA. The TWP lasts for up to 9 months (not necessarily consecutive), and the months are counted if you earn more than $1,050 (in 2025).

Once you've used up your 9 trial work months, if you continue to earn above the SGA limit, your SSDI benefits may be suspended.

Expedited Reinstatement of Benefits

If you are working and earning above the SGA limit but later have to stop working due to your disability, you may be eligible for expedited reinstatement of your SSDI benefits. This allows you to receive benefits again without needing to file a new application.

Earnings Limits for SSI Recipients

General SSI Income Rules

For SSI recipients, the SSA has different income limits. SSI benefits are designed to help those with limited income and resources, so any income you receive can reduce your SSI benefits. In general:

  • Earned Income: The first $85 of earned income each month is not counted. After that, the SSA will reduce your SSI benefit by $1 for every $2 you earn above the $85 threshold.
  • Unearned Income: Unearned income, such as gifts, pensions, or certain types of assistance, is also counted but can be treated differently. The SSA will reduce your SSI benefits dollar-for-dollar for unearned income.

The 2025 SSI Income Limit

As of 2025, the SSI income limit is $914 per month for individuals and $1,371 for couples. If your monthly income exceeds these amounts, you may no longer be eligible for SSI benefits. However, income earned from work is treated differently than other types of income and does not necessarily count fully toward the income limit.

Blind SSI Recipients

For blind individuals receiving SSI, the SSA provides more favorable rules. In 2025, the earned income exclusion for blind individuals is higher than for non-blind individuals. You can earn up to $2,460 per month without it affecting your SSI benefits.

Special Rules for Working While on Disability

Work Incentives

The SSA offers several work incentives to help disability beneficiaries return to work without the immediate loss of benefits. Some key work incentives include:

  • Impairment-Related Work Expenses (IRWE): If you have a disability-related expense (such as special transportation or a medical device) that is required to work, the SSA may exclude these expenses from your countable income.
  • Plan to Achieve Self-Support (PASS): If you are trying to start a business or attend school to improve your ability to work, you can set aside money from your earned income to achieve your goal, and this won’t count against your SSI or SSDI benefits.
  • Student Earned Income Exclusion (SEIE): If you are under the age of 22 and regularly attending school, you can exclude up to $2,220 per month in earned income (up to a maximum of $8,950 per year) from the SSA’s income calculation for SSI benefits.

Reporting Your Earnings

It’s crucial to report your earnings to the SSA if you are working while receiving disability benefits. Failing to report income can lead to overpayments, which you will have to pay back. You can report your earnings online, over the phone, or in person at your local SSA office.

Impact of Returning to Work on Benefits

Even if you are working, your SSDI or SSI benefits may not stop immediately. The SSA allows you to work and test your ability to earn without automatically losing your benefits. If you continue to work and your earnings exceed the SGA limit for SSDI or the income limits for SSI, your benefits may be reduced or stopped. However, if your situation changes and you cannot continue working, the SSA may reinstate your benefits.

How Hogan Smith Can Help

Working while receiving disability benefits can be tricky, but Hogan Smith can guide you through the process to ensure you’re maximizing your benefits while staying within SSA rules. Here’s how we can help:

  • Understanding work incentives: We can help you navigate the SSA’s work incentives and how they impact your benefits.
  • Reporting earnings: We’ll assist you in properly reporting your earnings to avoid overpayment or underpayment.
  • Managing trials and appeals: If you lose your benefits due to your earnings, we can help you appeal the decision or assist with the reinstatement of your benefits if needed.
  • Creating a work plan: If you're considering returning to work, we can help you create a plan to achieve self-support and navigate any additional financial support programs that may be available.

Contact Hogan Smith Today

If you’re wondering how much you can earn while on Social Security Disability or need help navigating the rules around work and disability benefits, Hogan Smith is here to guide you. Contact us today for a free consultation, and let us help you understand the impact of work on your benefits and make the most of your situation.

Further Reading

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Updated February 10, 2025

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Updated February 10, 2025

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Updated February 10, 2025

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