How Long Does a Social Security Disability Appeal Take?

How Long Does a Social Security Disability Appeal Take?

By Hogan Smith

Updated 02/25/2025

If your Social Security Disability (SSD) claim is denied, you may have to go through the appeals process to get the benefits you deserve. However, many applicants wonder how long this process will take. Unfortunately, the time it takes to appeal a Social Security Disability denial can vary significantly depending on several factors. Below is a breakdown of the appeal stages and what you can expect during the process.

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Stages of the SSD Appeal Process

The Social Security Disability appeal process consists of four stages:

  • Reconsideration After your initial claim is denied, the first step in the appeals process is to request a reconsideration. This means the SSA will review your claim again, but it will be handled by someone who wasn’t involved in the original decision. On average, reconsideration takes 3 to 5 months to complete.
  • Hearing Before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) If your reconsideration request is denied, the next step is to request a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). This is a formal hearing where you can present additional evidence and make your case in front of a judge. The waiting time for an ALJ hearing can be lengthy, and it’s common for the wait to take 12 to 18 months or even longer, depending on the location and caseload of the SSA office handling your case.
  • Appeals Council Review If you disagree with the ALJ’s decision, you can request a review by the SSA’s Appeals Council. The Appeals Council will review the hearing decision to determine if it was legally correct. This step can take an additional 6 to 12 months, but the Appeals Council has the option to approve, deny, or return the case to an ALJ for further review.
  • Federal Court Review If the Appeals Council denies your case or if the decision is still not in your favor, you can take your case to federal court. This is the final step in the appeals process. The time it takes for a federal court review can vary greatly depending on the court’s schedule, but it can take anywhere from 1 to 2 years or more to get a decision.

Factors That Affect Appeal Time

Several factors can influence the length of time it takes to complete a Social Security Disability appeal, including:

  • Case Complexity: More complex cases with multiple medical conditions or complicated legal issues may take longer to process.
  • Backlog of Cases: The SSA and ALJ offices often have large backlogs of cases, which can delay hearings and decisions.
  • Local SSA Office: The time it takes to get an appeal heard can vary by location. Some SSA offices have faster processing times, while others are slower.
  • Request for Additional Evidence: If additional evidence or documentation is required, it can extend the time it takes to process your appeal.

Tips to Speed Up the Appeal Process

While you cannot control how long the appeal process takes, there are steps you can take to help move things along:

  • Be Prepared: Ensure that your case is complete and that all necessary medical records and evidence are submitted upfront.
  • Follow Up Regularly: Keep track of the status of your appeal and follow up with the SSA if necessary. This can help ensure there are no delays.
  • Consider Legal Representation: While hiring a lawyer isn’t required, an experienced Social Security Disability attorney can help ensure your appeal is properly handled and may help you navigate the process more efficiently.

How Hogan Smith Can Help

Going through the Social Security Disability appeal process can be stressful and time-consuming. At Hogan Smith, we specialize in helping individuals appeal their denied Social Security Disability claims and guide them through every stage of the process. Our services include:

  • Assisting with Reconsideration and Appeals: We can help you gather the necessary medical evidence and present a strong case at each stage of the appeals process.
  • Representation at the ALJ Hearing: If your case progresses to a hearing, we will represent you and present your case to the judge.
  • Navigating the Appeals Council and Federal Court: If necessary, we will help you appeal to the Appeals Council or even take your case to federal court.

Contact Hogan Smith Today

If your Social Security Disability claim has been denied and you need help with the appeals process, Hogan Smith is here to support you. Our experienced team understands the intricacies of the SSD process and is dedicated to helping you get the benefits you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation, and let us help you take the next step in your appeal.

Further Reading

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Updated February 10, 2025

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Updated February 10, 2025

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